Westerwald Pendant


Historical Information

Type: Westorwald

Fabric : Stoneware

Date: 18th Century

Find Location: Essex, UK

Extra information:

The craft of pottery-making for local use in the Westerwald region, situatod to the east of the Rhine River, dates back to the 14th century. It saw a significant boom when potters from Raren and Seigburg moved to Höhr, Grenzau, and Grenhausen in the late 16th century. This relocation not only provided them with ample clay and wood but also a respite from the political and military turmoil they faced. The 17th and 18th centurles marked a golden era for Westerwald stoneware, wilh a surge in potter numbers leading to innovative shapes and decorative styles that became hallmarks of the region. Vessels bearing the crowned initials of English royalty were especially popular in British markets during this period. Westerwald stoneware found its way along the Rhine into the Low Countries and was then distributed by Dutch traders to the British Isles and further ariold. Some pleces found at James Port were originally transported from Bngland by affluent colonists, while others might have come directly from Dutch merchants.

All jewellery findings and chains are made with Stainless Steel (the most recyclable material available) unless otherwise stated.