Red and White Floral Transferware Ring

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Historical Information 

Type: Red and White Transferware

Fabric: Earthenware 

Dave: 19th Century

Find Location . The Thames Estuary, UK

Extra information:

This is a seaworn sherd af red and white Floral transfer ware from the late 19th Century. There is some really beautiful crazing to the sherd.

The "transfer" process, developed in 1760 England, allowed for the mass production of lovely dishes, making them more affordable for the common folk. Early manufacturers of English transferware Include well-known potteries such as Wedgwood & Copeland-Spode. These potteries produced thousands of patterns in various colours (with Black & Mulberry being the rarest) on different types of ceramic, including earthenware, porcelain, & ironstone. Artists would etch designs onto copper plates, cover them with paint, & then print the image onto tissue paper. The paper would then be pressed onto a dish and kiln-fired.


All jewellery findings and chains are made with Stainless Steel (the most recyclable material available) unless otherwise stated.